Travel safe.

Your guide to Escalator Safety

Keeping safe on Escalators

Whether you're commuting to work or going to your next class, escalators are a part of every day life.  This site is dedicated to helping you stay safe whilst getting where you need to be.

Riding Safe

While escalators are extremely safe and reliable, riders can fall and be injured if they are not paying attention, using strollers (which are prohibited), playing around, or overloaded with luggage and bags.

fast fact tag
  • The world's first escalator was created in 1895 as a temporary amusement ride at Coney Island, New York
  • Based on incidents reported to TSSA, more than 90 per cent of falls and injuries on escalators are rider-related
  • Charles Seeberger, together with the Otis Elevator Company produced the first commercial, wooden, escalator in 1899

A few simple reminders will keep you on your feet:

  • Step on and off with care
  • Stand in the centre of the step, not right next to the railing, especially when wearing soft-soled footwear, to avoid entrapment
  • Hold onto the handrails
  • Attend to children and hold their hand
  • Keep loose clothing, such as long coats, scarves, and shoelaces clear of steps and sides
  • Keep handbags, knapsacks, shopping bags and parcels away from the handrails
  • Do not run up or down escalators
  • Move away quickly from exit areas
  • If you have luggage or a stroller, use an elevator
It is also wise to take a careful and courteous attitude with you on escalators. Pay extra attention to small children and seniors. As a final safety measure, it is helpful to notice where the escalator’s emergency stop buttons are located.

Choose the right device - it will help you get to your destination safely.
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The vast majority of people injured in escalator accidents are a direct result of unsafe user behaviour.

Share the responsibility.